94180-82280, 94188-71172, 99900-70915, 01972-231208

Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy Statement

The Bal Gurukul Public School Kangoo is committed to providing a supportive, dynamic and professional learning environment for all its students, and working environment for its staff. The School recognizes that in order to achieve these aims, it must attract recruit and select appropriate staff who share this commitment.

The aims of the School's recruitment policy are as follows:
1.  To ensure that the best possible staff are recruited on the basis of their merits, abilities and suitability for the position
2.  To ensure that all job applicants are considered equally and consistently
3.  To ensure that no job applicant is treated unfairly on any grounds including race, colour, religion or religious belief, sex or sexual orientation, marital status, disability or age.
4.  To ensure compliance with all relevant legislation, recommendations and guidance
5.  To ensure that the School meets its commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people by carrying out all necessary pre-employment checks. The Bal Gurukul Public School Kangoo is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students, especially those aged under 18.
The school expects all staff to share this commitment, and understand that they have a specific ‘Duty of Care’ to students under 18, who depend on adults for their safety and well-being. Therefore:
6.  All candidates will be required to sign a declaration of suitability to work with under 18s
7.  Proof of identity and qualifications will be required and any gaps in CV must be explained satisfactorily 8.  Candidates will be also required to give any former names
9.  Candidates are reminded that providing false information on a job application is a criminal offence, and they will be required to sign a declaration to this effect
10.  All staff Suitable candidates for interview are selected according to the job description and person specification. All suitable candidates regardless of race, colour, religion or religious belief, sex or sexual orientation, are interviewed, in accordance with the school’s Equality and Diversity Policy. All candidates are personally interviewed by the school management and experts.

The candidate’s identity is verified by sight of original passport; a photocopy is taken, and kept with staff records. Any former names must also be declared. Candidates must sign a written declaration that the information given on their job application is true. If a candidate’s Background Verification has not been completed and satisfactorily cleared by the date that they are to start work, their start date will be delayed. Questions asked during the interview should be relevant to the job description. Interviews must include questions that probe candidate's attitudes to safeguarding young people.