94180-82280, 94188-71172, 99900-70915, 01972-231208

About Us

The Bal-Gurukul Public School was founded in 2009. It is permanently recognized by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh and affiliated to the HPBOSE. The School is Co-Educational day school

Institution owned and run by the Maa Durga Memorial Educational Society which is a registered body. The primary aim of the School is to impart all-round education – academic, physical, moral and cultural to all those admitted irrespective of caste, creed and status.

The main aim of the society is to provide quality education among the student at various levels. The society will introduce various vocational courses in all such schools which are opened in future and thus help in the progress of the area. The society will specially encourage participation in sports, games, cultural activities and extra-curricular activities including the remote areas so that the students may bring laurels for the country at state, national and the international level. The society also aims at developing skills which are necessary for the proper growth and development of the child. Education system in all schools established under the society will emphasize moral teaching and values to restore the lost ‘Sanskaras’ and traditions among the jet-age generation to enable them to perform their best in all spheres of life. The institutions run by this society will provide quality education among students and produce best citizens.