94180-82280, 94188-71172, 99900-70915, 01972-231208

Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Academics are the primary focus of education but each child is unique and has a special abilities and interests that must be recognized and developed. We assure that education of children is the shared responsibility for setting up values and expectation that support the learning process.

Every child is like a piece of living clay and we shape them day to day by constantly helping them to sustain the values learnt in the open atmosphere of school. It’s both parent and teachers who jointly shape the lives of each child. We both have responsibility to be guides, mentors. It is our sheer responsibility to bring up our children, as responsible members of our society. We prepare them not only for their livelihood but also for facing life in a joyful manner

Schooling is like enabling the individual to utilize his\her potential to its fullest with education. In this world no individual is a human being unless & until he/she has been educated in the right sense. The education makes a man perfect and a correct decision maker. Bal-Gurukul Public School stands for excellence in education.

But excellence in education is a matter of constant concern, goals have to be redefined, roles and responsibility needs to be recast, information systems and management practices need to be upgraded whenever required.

Beautiful angels of excellence will emerge only when quality coupled with values and ethics is provided in the place which is known as school This is what we want Bal-Gurukul Public school to be.