94180-82280, 94188-71172, 99900-70915, 01972-231208


School Management Committee


Functions of School Management Committee:

The School Management Committee shall perform the following functions to monitor the functioning of the school and encourage the school staff for the betterment of the school and provide quality education.
(i) Ensure the regularity and punctuality in attendance by teachers of the school.
(ii) Assess the learning ability of each child and accordingly supplement additional instructions if any required.
(iii) Strengthening the relationship between schools and parents in communities, creating broader awareness on children’s needs and supporting teachers, assisting Principals with the implementation of the School Learning Plan
(iv) Bring to the notice of the Local Education Authority any deviation from the rights of the child, in particular mental and physical harassment of the children, denial of admission and timely provision of free entitlements.
(v) Ensure that no child shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing the elementary education.
(vi) Identify the needs, prepare a plan, and monitor the implementation of the provisions, where a child above six years of age has not been admitted in any school or though admitted, could not complete his or her Elementary Education, then, he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age.
(vii) List out specifications for equitable quality of education in a school.
(viii) Ensure that no teacher shall engage himself or herself in private tuition or private teaching activity


Sr#  Name  Designation 
1 Meenakshi Rana President
2 Savuta Kumari Secretary 
3 Mamta Devi Member
4 Monika Kumari Member
5 Navita Kumari Member
6 Ram Pyari Member
7 Sukanya Devi Member
8 Sunita Kumari Member
9 Namrta Member
10 Jyiti Kiran Member
11 Banita Kumari Member
12 Sushma Devi Member