94180-82280, 94188-71172, 99900-70915, 01972-231208

Smart Class

We are proud and happy to introduce Smart Classes in our school. Over the last few decades, everything has changed in our lives with the all pervasive intervention of technology. However classrooms have remained untouched by technology. The classrooms that our grandparents went to are exactly the kind of classrooms our children study in. Chalk and blackboard, a packed classroom, text books, regimented curriculum, a teacher painstakingly explaining abstract concepts with the limited tools at her disposal.

We have tied up with Educomp for running these smart classes. Smart class is a digital initiative pioneered and invented by Educomp and has transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools. It’s a new age technology movement that is fast becoming an imperative for schools. Soon it will touch every class and every progressive school in India.

1. Improves teacher effectiveness and productivity in class.
2. It brings abstract and difficult curriculum concepts to life inside classrooms.
3. Makes learning an enjoyable experience for students.
4. Improves academic performance of students.
5. Enables instant formative assessment of learning outcomes in class.
6. It also enables teachers to instantly assess and evaluate the learning achieved by their students in class.