We at Bal-Gurukul Public School believe that a faculty comprise of perfect role models. Therefore our
faculty comprises of talents with high efficiency levels, refined soft skills & caring attitude. And last but
not the least; they are individuals of values & principles. Hence, we ensure that success must be a way of
life at Bal-Gurukul Public School.
Bal-Gurukul Public School is rated high in terms of educational standards due to its faculty. Our teachers
are selected by a panel of experts through written, demonstrations and personal interview.
Bal-Gurukul Public School has a full-fledged, enlightened staff in each and every faculty. All the members
of the faculty are well-qualified, trained and experienced in their field of specialization. Frequent
orientation-camps, workshops and seminars are organized to upgrade the pedagogical skills of staff
members. Modern methods of teaching using computer technology, projector and other visual
aids empower the teachers to explore the hidden potential of the students of optimum capacity and give the
students an edge over the others in the highly competitive world of education.
Our teachers are friendly to students, dealing as friends to the students and sharing their problems hence
providing best results and sense of commitment.